Brian Strode, LPC
Change22, LLC

Professional mental Health Counseling

Consulting For First-Responder Mental Health

Brian uses an approach to counseling that focuses on restoring health and balance in the mind, body, and spirit to help people
  • Develop and improve healthy stress management and emotion control skills,
  • Build resiliency against external causes of depression and/or anxiety symptoms,
  • Process past and current traumas while building resiliency against future trauma,
  • And improve mood, esteem, relationships, success, and other important areas of their personal and professional lives. 
Click here for more information about Brian
Brian Is Currently AcCepting New Clients IN Virginia

Click The Link Above To Schedule A Free 15-Minute Inital Consult With Brian

Call Brian at (757) 347-0450 For more information or To Schedule An Intake